
Faculty - Pandalam Sangeetha Academy

Shri. Pandalam Suresh Babu   Shri. Pandalam Suresh Babu is a professional performer and teacher with frequent appearance in concerts, cultural programmes, and music functions across Kerala. He holds a Fifth Grade from the Trinity College London. He won acclaim for playing more than fifteen instruments in a single stage, in 2016 at Navaratri Music Fest, Pandalam.  Shri. Ramachandra Bhagavatar Shri. Ramachandra Bhagavatar is a senior professional performer and theoretician with 70 years of experience in music teaching. He has students across Kerala, many of whom are renowned musicians. Bhagavatar is a mentor and patron to Sangeetha Music Academy. Shri. Mahadevan Thiruvananthapuram Shri. Mahadevan Thiruvananthapuram is a versatile professional drummer and Kazoo player. He has been teaching for above a decade, and has been a regular performer in music programs across India. Shir. Mahadevan is the director of S
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